Résumé du preprint DAPNIA-02-308

Results of Slat CPC Prototype Test for ALICE Dimuon Spectrometer
M.Boudjemline, H.Carduner, D.Charrier, J.P.Cussonneau, M.Dialinas, Ch.Finck, S.Fresneau, P.Lautridou, L.Luquin, P.Pichot, D.Thers, A.Baldisseri, H.Borel, E.Dumonteil, J.Gosset, D.Jourde, J.C.Lugol, F.Orsini, Y.Penichot, J.P.Robert, F.Staley, M.Arba, S.Basciu, C.Cical'o, A.De Falco, D.Marras, A.Masoni, S.Panebianco, G.Puddu, S.Serci, E.Siddi, L.Tocco, M.Tuveri, G.Usai, G.Chabratova, M.P.Comets, P.Courtat, Ch.Diarra, B.Espagnon, D.Guez, Y.LeBornec, M.MacCormick, J.M.Martin, S.Rousseau, T.Sinha, N.Willis, V.~Nikulin
A full size Slat prototype of a Cathode Pad Chamber has been tested in
a $\\pi^-$ beam at the CERN PS in October 2001. The results of these tests are 
presented in this note. In particular, a study of the spatial resolution and 
the efficiency has been made: the spatial resolution is  found to be around 
80 $\\mu$m while the efficiency is greater than 96 $


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